
Power Points

How local energy providers are ensuring energy resilience



Aarti Kalyani



Many smart people have been working hard on this problem. Energy providers across California — from local utilities to massive investor-owned utilities (IOUs) — have been tasked with cracking the energy resilience code.

As the west begins to burn, how are those efforts going?



Last week, three San Francisco Bay Area CCAs — East Bay Community Energy (EBCE), Peninsula Clean Energy and Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE) —宣布与Sunrun合作在6000户家庭中安装大约20兆瓦的太阳能电池,否则会有断电的危险。CCA都为低收入客户设立了分公司,以确保该计划服务于所有社区。

The announcement comes two months after马林清洁能源加州北部的一家CCA公司启动了一项计划,安装15兆瓦时的客户现场储能装置。圣何塞清洁能源和半岛清洁能源发布邀请函for similar energy-plus-storage programs to serve their customers.

The CCA advantage

While both California utilities and CCAs are tasked with finding resilience solutions, the CCAs are the first to offer solar-plus-storage programs to their customers.


"SVCE is a community-based organization," Aimee Gotway Bailey, director of decarbonization and grid innovation at SVCE wrote in an email. "Our community formed us and governs us. That means we’re well-positioned to be responsive to what our community needs. The resilience program we just launched is a testament to that."

Our community formed us and governs us. That means we’re well-positioned to be responsive to what our community needs.

EBCE地方发展、电气化和创新主管JP Ross在电话交谈中也表达了这种观点。”我们不回应股东;我们回应我们的社区。”。

CCAs are also in a better position to aggregate behind-the-meter resources as part of a procurement plan for resource adequacy — in other words, they can better monetize the new energy resources when there aren’t outages to shave peak loads.

"Local utilities are leading because there aren't other organizations in as natural position to lead," Mark Dyson, principal of Rocky Mountain Institute’s electricity practice, wrote in an email. "[They] are the ones that can enable the ‘blue sky’ benefits of [distributed energy resources, or DERs], and most effectively integrate DERs' ‘black sky’ benefits with existing resilience planning activities."

How community energy aggregators and utilities work together

California’s IOU and community energy providers have different competitive advantages when providing resilient solutions, according to Wood Mackenzie microgrid analyst Isaac Maze-Rothstein.


That is, while CCAs are poised to deploy DERs to individual customers, utilities such as Pacific Gas and Electric are looking at处理完整的电气gid.

From the technology provider’s standpoint, forging these partnerships is a new avenue to accelerate deployment of systems. The work of the CCAs to develop the new product could clear the way for utility partnerships down the line.

"We see this [Sunrun/CCA partnership] program as a good model for how we can work with all energy providers to be part of the solution for further enabling energy consumers to keep their lights on in the face of this new reality," wrote Nick Smallwood, vice president of business development and grid services at Sunrun, in an email.

Why isn’t this happening faster?

In a perfect world, California’s energy resilience strategy would be further along as we enter this year’s fire season.

But from a regulatory standpoint, developing a new clean energy product in nine months is quite fast. In the example of the CCA and Sunrun partnership, Ross pointed out that it takes time to write a solicitation, run a competitive application process (required for public procurements), select a winner and enter contract negotiations — all while working with the California Energy Commission to develop a new product it could offer to customers.

Six to nine months roll by pretty quickly as you're trying to launch something to deliver a new product and a new technology to customers.


Now that this specific product is created, other energy providers likely will be able to move faster.


Sunrun已经在类似的项目工作other IOUs, including南加州爱迪生公司,Orange and RocklandHawaii Electric Company.



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