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Two states on opposite sides of the nation have come to the same conclusion: They cannot meet their ambitious climate goals without electrifying buildings.

New York and California are often jockeying to be seen as leaders in the clean economy. Last week, duel announcements from the two public utilities commissions, the bodies that regulate the states’ electricity and natural gas infrastructure (among other things), revealed the "competition" is not very close. New York is winning.

看看各国的政策表明各国也有目的地,优先考虑不同的方法来促进电气化。纽约专注于激励燃料切换,而加利福尼亚州专注于限制新的天然气。虽然理论上都将到达同一目标 - 客户脚为全电器的票据,最终将拯救他们在公用事业账单上的金钱,并帮助国家达到气候目标 - 两项政策方法与消费者不同。

While both would theoretically get to the same targets, the two policy approaches read differently to consumers.

New York is 'pulling' customers to electrify buildings

上周,纽约announcedthe New York State Public Service Commission approved an additional $2 billion for building electrification and energy efficiency programs. It also reauthorized $1.3 billion for existing programs.



In total, the state’s earmarked funds for electrification and efficiency is a whopping $6.8 billion through 2025. Here’s a rough breakdown of the total allocation of funds, according to a release from the state’s website:

  • 12亿美元将致力于能效措施和热泵部署,200万美元将通过纽约国家能源研究和发展管理局(NYSERDA)创造“市场发展计划”。

  • 15亿美元将达到能效措施 - 包括升级到高效,电热泵和锅炉 - 由纽约电力管理局(NYPA)管理。

  • $500 million will help 1.1 million customers on Long Island electrify and become more energy efficient.

  • 33亿美元将转向新的和现有的效用能效和电气化活动。






2019年,超过50个地方政府across the state considered policies to restrict or heavily discourage natural gas infrastructure. The initiatives, by and large, focus on new builds, the most accessible lever for local governments concerned about the health and safety implications of building out new natural gas infrastructure.

It also has opened localities to criticism, often fromAstroturf团体由天然气公司支持that accuse the policies of limiting choice and affecting餐馆用气体烹饪。

The legislation has inspired其他城市从马萨诸塞州向华盛顿州探索限制。

It’s worth noting that the two states' current strategies aren’t in competition with one another. Both restrictions on existing natural gas and incentives for efficient, electric appliances are needed if the states are to meet their climate goals.

California’s electrification incentives are lagging



CPUC也投票分配4500万美元为了促进全电动热泵上周 - 这是一个重要的一步,但纽约专用资金的一小部分为50%更大。


"New York really showed us up, frankly, in getting serious," said Matt Vespa, an attorney with the nonprofit law firm Earthjustice, in a phone conversation. "California needs to look to New York and get it together to get the resources needed to make [the transition to all-electric buildings] happen."



The 'gas infrastructure' death spiral

Another challenge in transitioning away from natural gas: figuring out how to unwind existing infrastructure.

随着越来越多客户到电器的过渡,较少的天然气客户将被困在越来越多的基础设施维护成本上,已经占了80 percent (automatic PDF download)加利福尼亚州的住宅汽油率将在未来几年增加。结果可能会更加顾客进入电力,留下更少的人来承担成本的负担。

"There was all that utility death spiral talk a few years back that never came to pass," Vespa said. "That could really happen on the gas side."


