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Crane lifting and moving modular home into place





这是有点复杂的地方。尽管模块化房屋在技术上与制造房屋(和移动房屋)非常相似,但存在差异。首先,制造的房屋通常仅限于某些分区区域,并建立在传统和模块化房屋的不同代码中。也有法律定义每种类型的房屋是什么样的财产。我不会在这里参与其中,但是要进行更详细的描述,请访问这个方便的保险公司description. Also, you’d be surprised, the internet holds a surprising level of rabbit hole-iness on this subject.


…世界缺乏住房。仅在美国,专家就将住房短缺在任何地方between 1.5 million and 4 million units。我们北部友好的邻居需要自己的住房库存来攀登估计有350万个单位by 2030 to house every Canadian affordably. Modular homes offer another pathway to filling the housing gap in addition to the current practices still dominant here in North America. Another way of putting it, we need a both/and set of solutions to fill the housing gap.

… Labor shortages are hitting the construction industry exceptionally hard. There are 300,000 to 400,000 open construction positions in the U.S. on a monthly basis and the房屋建筑商学院的估计the industry will need to add 740,000 new construction workers each year for the next three years in order to keep up with demand and makeup for attrition and retirements. That staggering number, combined with historically low unemployment rates across the U.S., combines to produce a tricky problem. How do you recruit an increasingly educated public to work jobs that require hard physical labor and long hours?

Part of the answer may lie in modular homes. Standardization of parts, controlled climate environments for building and modern technology advances (such as robotics and automated sequencing of parts) mean that modular homes today can be built with shorter lead times by fewer people. Seems like a win-win for both the issues laid out above.


四个…朝着更循环的经济发展。betway必威体育手机版就像我一样以前写, the construction industry is extremely wasteful. While we are making strides in certain areas to decrease that waste, factory-built panels and full rooms/homes offer a great opportunity for waste reduction. Imagine being able to apply all the same零件测序,削减针对框架材料的优化和zero waste manufacturingmethods that are currently done in other parts of the manufacturing sector to buildings. A modular building platform also offers standardization of a kit of parts while allowing for customization through options (finishes). For example, if the modular builder has six models they offer, those can all be built on the same part platform to standardize and avoid unnecessary cuts and waste.

关于模块化房屋的另一个非常有趣的(至少是这个观察者)的观点是,它们为建筑物提供了一个携带数据的机会。数据可以以多种名称和多种形式进行,但我指的是material passport, Adigital twin或一些类似的格式,该格式使未来的用户能够确切知道建筑物中的内容,以及如何重用,重新制造或回收它。这些零件和材料的清单也可以允许化学透明度,这是释放未来循环经济的关键。betway必威体育手机版


If you’ve made it this far, you deserve to know at least one company working in this new era of modular homes. Dvele opened its prefabricated home factory in 2018 to take on the homebuilding industry that has stayed relatively static for over 100 years. The three联合创始人着手“破坏房屋建设行业,以创建市场上最聪明,最健康,最可持续的房屋”。它们来自模块化和传统房屋建筑的背景,因此他们对空间中的问题有深刻的了解以及可以改善的问题。


在建筑物过程的不同阶段,达维尔模块化房屋的内部和外部。Julia Vann/Greenbiz的拼贴画。

Since its founding, Dvele has added automation to its production lines, implemented processes to maximize efficiency and output and incorporated biophilic design. In addition, all the homes the company sells are self-powered out of the box, are all-electric and are built to be 100-plus year structures. The homes are built on standard modular platforms and finishes can be customized on their website through the "choose your home" platform. I went through the process myself and found it quite delightful. My favorite is the Baldwin Mini-home (430 square feet). In only seven steps, I was able to customize the exterior and interior of the home to my liking and put in a request for timeline and cost to the Dvele team. As I said, delightful! It was even easier than customizing a new car's features.


另外,如果您有兴趣查看其他宏伟的模块化房屋的图片,请查看Gessato的清单here。I’m a sucker for cool architecture.
