

由沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffet)的孙子创立的绿色投资公司I(X)Net Zero的首席执行官史蒂夫·奥耶(Steve Oyer)的采访,并得到了红辣椒辣椒的安东尼·基迪斯(Anthony Kiedis)的支持。

IX Net零徽标



莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio)在气候竞选活动方面是一位好莱坞老兵- 当他与詹妮弗·劳伦斯(Jennifer Lawrence)一起出演热门喜剧和气候危机 - 阿尔修(Allegory)“不要仰望”时,这很快成为了Netflix上最受关注的电影之一。

Hollywood has never been short of environmental campaigners — Jane Fonda, Meryl Streep, Joaquin Phoenix to name a few more — and neither is the world of pop music. Greta Thunberg famously featured on an eponymous single by The 1975, which raised funding for Extinction Rebellion, while the likes of K-pop giants BTS and singer Ellie Goulding have spoken at UN meetings to help draw attention to ecological crises. Last year, former Pulp frontman Jarvis Cocker even released a single he described as "the world's first sustainable banger" to coincide with the UN COP26 Summit in Glasgow.

但是,似乎越来越多的家喻户晓的名字不仅认识到应对气候危机的紧迫性,还认识到相关的机会。小罗伯特·唐尼(Robert Downey Jr.在美国的一个细胞生长的鲑鱼初创企业中。,前阿森纳中场Mathieu Flamini is CEO of a biotech firm和一级方程式冠军刘易斯·汉密尔顿(Lewis Hamilton


将A-List名人的浮华和魅力融合在一起,以及对环境事业的支持和绿色业务的不断增长的支持,越来越被视为胜利的食谱 - 正如史蒂夫·奥耶(Steve Oyer)所认识的那样。资产管理行业的资深人士是美国投资公司I(X)净零的首席执行官,并且对不断增长的绿色经济和A-Lister支持的价值了解或了解。


这个故事使I(x)零净人吸引的大牌支持者的数量更加引人注目,其中包括红辣椒的主唱安东尼·基迪斯(Anthony Kiedis);Airbnb联合创始人Joe Gebbia;慈善家艾琳·盖蒂(Aileen Getty),富裕的盖蒂家族成员;Clarvit Capital首席执行官,前董事总经理兼BlackRock替代顾问联合负责人Chuck Clarvit。在特蕾莎·梅(Theresa May)的总理职位领导下的气候变化和工业部长的前保守党议员尼克·赫德(Nick Hurd)也是该公司的非执行董事长。

沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffet)的孙子霍华德(Howard)甚至与企业家特雷弗·尼尔森(Trevor Neilson)和格林(Green)以及新兴市场投资人PärLindström一起,在2015年帮助了该合资企业。

Oyer is first to acknowledge the benefits of having well-known names on board in drawing attention to both the companies in which i(x) Net Zero invests.



但是,他坚持认为,霍华德·巴菲特(Howard W. Buffet)和他的祖父都没有直接投入到i(x)净零的日常运行中。


Despite the big names behind i(x) Net Zero, Oyer is keen to stress the investment experience and credentials among its team, and its emphasis on long-term, catalytic capital to drive positive societal impacts. Oyer himself boasts over 35 years of business and investment experience, with previous stints at the likes of Brookfield Asset Management, Lazard Asset Management and NASDAQ-listed biometric software firm Saflink Corporation.


Oyer说:“如果您看着聚集在一起的团队,这些都是投资专业人士。”“我们中有些人共同努力了20 - 25年。我们所有人过去都在部署和管理资本,并建立了企业。这确实是与我们区别的原因。我们不是一个私募股权基金采取一种被动的方法来处理流程并坚持投资。”

Oyer describes i(x) Net Zero as a holding company "dedicated to creating opportunity to deploy intentional capital at scale, with measurable impact," by taking an active role in helping to grow companies — and its stakes in them — over time.

他解释说:“我们将资本筹集到公司并建立这些业务 - 不是在被动的基础上,而是基于非常具体和运营的方法,随着时间的流逝,它创造了很多价值。”

At present, there are six firms in i(x) Net Zero's portfolio. WasteFuel — of which Trevor Neilson is also the CEO — produces biomethane, green methanol and low carbon aviation, road and shipping fuels from household and agricultural waste, and counts shipping giant Maersk as one of its backers. Carbon Engineering, meanwhile, is a Canadian firm specializing in direct air capture (DAC) of CO2, with projects including它在苏格兰与库盖(Storegga)一起开发的设施,每年从空中永久清除超过100万吨二氧化碳。纽约证券交易所上市的Enphys收购是一家专门从事拉丁美洲可再生能源项目的投资公司。




In some cases though — such as with Carbon Engineering and Sustainable Living Innovations — i(x) Net Zero actually starts off with a much smaller stake in the company. "But as we roll out joint ventures, plants and subsidiaries with the company, perhaps in certain geographic areas, we'll own that 20 percent or so," Oyer explains. "Because what we're really doing is leaning in, and helping to bring capital into them not just from our own balance sheet but from our backers and other sources. And consistently you'll hear this: we play above our weight as a small company."

Oyer is particularly enthused about the potential for sustainability in the built environment, as he sees decarbonizing buildings as a huge opportunity for change, as well as investment returns, without the need to shift capital into a completely new industry. Real estate investment is big businesses as it is, and together buildings and construction account for just under 40 percent of global carbon emissions, he notes.



奥耶(Oyer)在二十多年前向对社会负责的投资转变,因为他越来越相信金钱在地球和底线上做好事的力量。他说,由于他在俄亥俄州扬斯敦的成长经历,这是一个以钢制造而闻名的工业中心,后来又灌输了这种原则,后来又以同名的布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀(Bruce Springsteen)的歌曲。这首歌在阴沉的细节中描述了Oyer长大的Rustbelt Town的行业,Springsteen唱歌“烟囱像上帝的武器一样到达烟灰和粘土的美丽天空”当钱流入该地区时。但是后来,在行业下降的情况下,这首歌随后以黑暗的回报结束:"When I die I don't want no part of heaven, I would not do heaven's work well / I pray the devil comes and takes me to stand in the fiery furnaces of hell."

“这一切都回到我在俄亥俄州一个钢铁小镇上长大的我and seeing the devastation economically, when an industry pollutes and destroys the environment and ultimately creates economic and ecological disaster," Oyer says of his belief in positive impact investing. "Bruce Springsteen wrote a song about the sadness and disaster of my town. The last industrial revolution changed the entire developed world. We got a legacy for that, and I lived that legacy — the steel, the pollution, all of that. But we have a chance to change that now — this is a new industrial revolution, and it's got to be the same mechanisms of capital that are deployed, but its intentional and can not only do all the things that we need to be a modern society, but it can do it to decarbonize and lessen the impact on the planet."

但是,很难避免Oyer对环保主义,影响投资和催化资本的敏感性是更广泛的资产管理和银行业中的规范。环境社会和治理(ESG)投资可能已迅速成为主要的财务趋势,但是,尽管看涨的预测表明,到2025年,全球ESG资产的价值可能超过53万亿美元- 或全世界预计AUM的三分之一大约的三分之一 -there are deep concerns由于缺乏支撑ESG基金的明确标准,并有打开“绿色洗涤”之谜的风险。


The sum total of i(x) Net Zero's assets may represent merely a drop in the wider investing ocean, but it is attracting big names, top talent and strong returns.


Transparency and disclosure will be key to that, he reasons, while claiming that i(x) Net Zero's recent listing on the London Stock Exchange had "always been a dream of the founders" that will help to "democratize" its work.

Oyer还对下一代投资者,银行家和金融家表示敬意。他说:“我会告诉你这 - 我与资金融资的学生和年轻人一起工作,他们想保持可持续财务状况。”“他们想与我没有机会做的事业一起做事。改变事物。”

I(X)净零资产的总和可能仅代表更广泛的投资海洋的下降,但它吸引了其投资的知名人士,顶尖人才和强劲回报,这反过来又可以在帮助脱碳方面发挥关键作用能源基础设施和建筑物。至少目前,这似乎是一种似乎正在起作用的食谱 - 如果Oyer采取了行动,它甚至可能有助于激发绿色投资界的下一个“超级巨星”。

"I believe in this next generation and their opportunity to change the entire culture of what's going on in the markets," says Oyer. "I think there's a structural change with this generation, and that's what gives me hope."


Business -Green
