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New local campaigns can bring cheaper and cleaner rooftop solar to communities of color

NREL researcher discuss panel orientation and spacing. Working with teams from UMass Clean Energy Extension and Hyperion on a photovoltaic dual-use research project at the UMass Crop Animal Research and Education Center in South Deerfield, MA.



该re is a new urgency across the United States to address structural and systemic racial inequities in刑事司法财富和住房就业卫生保健and教育。这些差异也在能量中普遍存在。其中一个常见的衡量标准是“能量负担”或在能源票据上花费的房屋收入的份额。

已显示颜色的社区有一个24–27 percent在控制收入水平时,较高的能量负担比白人美国人,低收入居民经历了能量负担高达三倍高比高收入居民。







一种2019年报告表明,在普遍存器轨道上,中位数家庭收入相同,黑人和西班牙裔 - 多数社区分别拥有69%和30%的屋顶太阳能,而不是在没有种族多数的情况下安装的屋顶太阳能(与大多数白人社区的21%的太阳能相比)。这不仅仅是因为房屋的差异。在控制所有权时,大多数黑人和西班牙裔社区仍有61%,而且太阳能减少45%,而不是没有种族多数的邻域(与多数白人社区更多的比较37%)。

一种s a result, nearly half of Black majority communities in the United States do not have a single solar system installed.


This shouldn’t come as a surprise. These frontline communities are disproportionately exposed tohigher rates of pollutionandclimate change impacts来自悠久的系统性不公平。

Marketing and education through 'Solarize' campaigns

太阳能marketing and education provide essential exposure to the many benefits of solar and are necessary for increased and persistent solar adoption in any community. Unfortunately, this outreach and local solar education have not reached all communities equally.

由于太阳能行业的重点是盈利和富裕地区,营销可能不会有效地达到各种颜色的社区,以及在决策层面缺乏多样性。Withnearly 70 percent小规模太阳能集中在仅为最有利可图的国家的五个,其中大部分提供太阳能激励措施highly affluent那large swaths of the country and communities of color have been left out of the solar industry’s marketing.


此外,在太阳能公司中缺乏代表的颜色 - 几乎90%太阳高级管理人员是白色的,只有2%的黑和6%西班牙裔 -可能会影响which communities are predominantly targeted through marketing campaigns and the effectiveness of those campaigns.


This is no surprise considering residents aresignificantly more trusting of their neighbor’s opinions比太阳能行业沟通的信息。事实上,孤独发布了一份报告表明三分之一太阳能客户被邻居提到了another studysuggests that the presence of two to three solar installations in a neighborhood results in one additional installation. Notably, this contagion effect has been shown to be最高在颜色的社区,但尚未意识到它的全部潜力。

Community purchasing campaigns can help fill this void if they focus outreach to specific underserved communities. Long the target of骗子and掠夺性贷款那communities of color may be more skeptical of solar product offerings that sound too good to be true.

Community purchasing campaigns can help fill this void if they focus outreach to specific underserved communities.

但是,与可信的本地社区组织合作,了解社区动态可以建立信任并使太阳能教育能够通过社区领导,通讯和活动。这些来源表明是most effective for increasing solar uptake in low-income and communities of color。For communities with minimal solar exposure (again, nearly 50 percent of Black communities have zero solar), these campaigns provide the essential education to drive community-wide solar adoption.

降低太阳能成本和 - 在某些情况下 - 减少信贷障碍

该top barrier to installing residential solar is typically financial, regardless of income or race. Solarize campaigns have shown to help lessen these financial barriers byreducing solar costs by about 20 percent。这些成本节省了消除太阳能公司的客户营销成本和使用规模经济的成本。通过这种简化过程节省的成本和时间可以在司法管辖区中更为普遍简化太阳能允许鉴于Solarize广告系列的大量安装。


First, Black and Hispanic families have significantly lower median household incomes,41 percent and 27 percent低于白人家庭,因此可能需要在阳光之外的额外激励措施来实现参与。

其次,他们更可能有较低的信贷scores that can result in challenges in obtaining a loan to pay the upfront cost ($16,500 for the typical 5 kW system) or meeting the credit requirements for asolar power purchase agreement or lease。This situation can lead to higher interest rates and make solar less economic or uneconomic for these community members.

To make Solarize campaigns work for LMI residents, cities can develop partnerships with local green lending institutions (a Green Bank, community development financial institution or local credit union) to address cost and credit barriers. Connecticut’s version of Solarize, the所有活动的太阳能那offers a great example of using a financial partnership to expand the reach of a typical Solarize campaign to LMI residents.



三年来,这种多方面的方法在康涅狄格州的低收入社区中增加了太阳能渗透by 188 percent,并帮助超过900家低收入家庭去太阳能。


由于歧视性住房政策历史悠久,缺乏居所拥有是太阳能中太阳能的主要障碍。黑人和西班牙裔家庭不太可能拥有他们的家园43 percent and 46 percent, respectively, versus 72 percent of White households。由于房东之间的分裂激励,租户较高的租房人数较高,因此在班载率之间的速度分裂,他们通常会追求资本改进,以及支付公用事业账单的租金。

Further, for people of color that do own their home, many live in older homes that need significant roof or structural repairs to support a solar system.


Take action today to implement a Solarize campaign

美国城市气候挑战可再生能源加速器那co-led by Rocky Mountain Institute and World Resources Institute, is launching a residential solar cohort this summer to help local governments implement Solarize campaigns and accelerate residential solar adoption in their community, with a particular focus on historically marginalized communities.

If your local government is interested in learning how a community purchasing campaign can help expand solar access in your community, please reach out to Ryan Shea at[电子邮件受保护]to learn more.


