

运送对世界有益:Q&A与Sendle Ceo James Chin Moody


James Chin Moody Champions担任CEO和Cofounder在Sendle的首席执行官和Cofounder。来源:sendle。


当James Chin Moody从地面上获得交付启动Securners时,没有绿色商业模式是不可收入的。Chin Moody是一位环保主义者,联合国环境规划署青年咨询委员会和共同作者的联合主席“The Sixth Wave: How to Succeed in a Resource-Limited World,“他在2014年在澳大利亚进入高污染的航运和物流行必威体育2018业时,他发现了一种激进的可持续发展解决方案。

His solution was to reduce the environmental impact of shipping by tapping existing courier providers and filling their vehicles with packages to ensure every trip is maximized, and purchasing carbon offsets to address the emissions of every package sent. To date, Sendle has offset 9 billion miles worth of carbon, or the equivalent of driving a one-ton truck from Earth to Mars and back 74 times.

Sendle proudly carries the title as the first 100 percent carbon-neutral delivery service specifically designed for small businesses in Australia and the United States. I spoke to Chin Moody about his desire to inspire the global shipping industry to radically slash its carbon emissions, and Sendle’s recent entry into the United States.

汤姆施罗德:How did a former satellite engineer and environmentalist from Australia end up in the global shipping industry?

詹姆斯下巴穆迪:It all got started when I was trying to solve a problem. I was on paternity leave looking after my sons, and the used baby books, clothes, toys and furniture kept piling up. I started to think that there must be a better way to find this reusable stuff a new home.

问题是如何实现它的n次方ew owners without it costing the earth. The answer was our original start-up TuShare: a community platform for reusable goods with a door-to-door delivery company to power it. And it cost a lot less than the post office or the major courier companies.



Schroder: It’s unusual for a CEO of a shipping company to be 100 percent committed to sustainability. Where does your deep concern for the environment come from?

Chin Moody: I started my career in aerospace and when you look to the stars, you start to appreciate that we’re all on this one spaceship, Earth, and it’s a closed ecosystem.


For me, it all comes down to intergenerational equality. What we do now has a lasting impact on the environment and future generations, including my own kids.

Last year, Sendle joined the global climate strikes organized by Greta Thunberg because we all know that we’re borrowing resources from future generations and it can’t continue unabated like this.

We’re also a B Corp — a business that’s a force for good — so taking all stakeholders including the environment into account when making decisions is built into our operating model and our constitution.



Schroder: How does Sendle manage to be carbon neutral in a high-polluting industry that’s set to represent some10%of global greenhouse gas emissions by 2050?

Chin Moody:从第一天开始,我们建立了一个非常强烈的哲学对我们所做的一切承担责任的责任,从他们的小型企业客户的交付出现问题时,可以减少碳排放的问题。


So we offset the emissions from every single package delivered via our network through a carbon credit compensation strategy withSouth Pole, a global climate solutions provider, and supporting environmental projects. Each year, we ask our customers to vote for the carbon offset projects they want Sendle to support.


作为公司,我们公开承认运输的碳排放是有助于气候变化。这就是为什么我们自一天以来100%碳中立,并继续向行业中的其他人压力。我们也与我们的送货伙伴合作,以减少其运营的碳强度 - 因为它也为每个人提供了双赢。

With the explosion of e-commerce shipping during COVID, it’s more critical than ever to take responsibility for your carbon emissions, and if you design a carbon neutral business from the start, it’s much easier to do. It just becomes the way you operate.

Schroder: What would you like to see the shipping and logistics industry do to lower its carbon footprint, and how can those companies learn from Sendle?

Chin Moody:首先,每个人都需要承认,我们的行业对两个主要的环境危机负责:增加碳排放从包装送货和从包装中的安装废物。我真的相信确认会导致持久的变化。


Bonds Couriers has this huge warehouse in Sydney and the roof is blasted by the sun. So, they installed 320 solar panels and bought a fleet of electric vehicles that are fueled onsite by the energy from the roof. It’s a real example of the circular economy in action.

Sendle has partnered with an Australian courier service to deliver packages in a fleet of the country's first solar vans. Source: Sendle.

In the United States, we recently launched an integration with Etsy to streamline the shipping process for merchants. We love how both companies are closely aligned on prioritizing the planet.

And we’ve been pioneering compostable mailers to help tackle the plastic waste crisis. They look and feel like plastic but are made from 100 percent biodegradable and compostable materials, including corn starch. They can go in with food scraps in the home compost or worm farm and biodegrade within 90 days.


Sendle's compostable packaging, introduced earlier this year, is 100 percent biodegradable. Source: Sendle.


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