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两年前,化石燃料的公司在养老投资组合中包括被认为是合理和谨慎的立场。今天,来自化石燃料撤资 - 特别是煤 - 是更财政和道德上负责任的选择。


撤资的道德争论深受斯沃斯莫尔学院的学生和教师阐述,由高等学校反射到撤资的加速运动。很显然,斯沃斯莫尔学生的道德,责任和参与 - 而这些属性是中央对机构的卓越。撤资讨论的道德和责任的尺寸通常被视为比更主观的,不知何故下属审慎理财的问题。在现实中,撤资辩论所有这些方面都是不可分割的。




有反对撤资,我将寻址撤资的情况之前讨论的几个参数。这些论据反对撤资,这是越来越多的组织提出的 - 包括大学 - 由化石燃料行业投资,在很大程度上是错误的。

First, it is argued that because the fifty year historical return history of fossil fuel stocks has been good, future fossil fuel share returns will therefore be good, and divestment now would therefore lower future returns. However, the last half century time frame is not relevant to the current climate change divestment and stock price risk. The relevant stock price return period is the last few years or so, during which time fossil fuel returns – especially coal - have generally underperformed the larger market. And future returns are likely to get even worse. The research arm of Macquarie, a global bank that has heavily financed fossil fuel projects, in a March 2015 report describes the future of US coal as “increasingly bleak”和预期的波浪未来煤炭破产。

A related argument is that shifting money from firms that invest in expanding fossil fuel reserves and extraction might reduce financial returns that could fund scholarships and so could hurt the less well off. The argument that continued investment in coal and other fossil fuel resource firms is today a smart risk adjusted investment strategy defies common sense - and recent actual stock returns data. Furthermore, even a minimal review of environmental health impact literature demonstrates that the less well-off disproportionally suffer from air and water pollution and climate change costs resulting from burning fossil fuels. As theEconomis牛逼的笔记在其2015年3月28日发行;“煤杀死每年大约80万人,其中大多数是穷人”。即使能源劳动强度文学的粗略审查表明,能源行业的化石燃料的部分是远远低于劳动比可再生能源和能源效率密集,所以创建一个比一个清洁能源投资战略的工作要少得多。一个现实的评估是不太富裕的应该强迫而不是从煤炭抑制转向远离这种担心。



奇怪的是,一种说法是由从撤资,大学弃权在支持全球变暖并不意味着同谋。但大学花费精力的大量管理他们的投资,并决定继续投资扩大煤炭和其他化石燃料储量的同时,越来越多的学术同行的撤资是 - 顾名思义 - 关键的高校资源的蓄意分配...主动投资相反弃权。

最后,还有充足的资金应对气候变化旦论点 - 即撤资是不理性的,因为人为的气候变化尚未得到证实,气候变化可能是有益的高等教育等各个地方的教育应该站起来,对气候变化的科学事实,而不是与旦尼尔,他们的各种论点赞同。高等教育也必须要求对化石燃料工业资助的研究和文章全学年的透明度,而且必须包括政策,以消除利益冲突清晰。例如一些高等教育机构包括董事会成员的人谁是大学基金缺乏自由化石投资选择的专业的第三方支付管理人员 - 所以有利益冲突解除。

在过去几年中已经看到各地在碳约束的世界可燃的化石燃料储量滞留资产,将失去价值的说法严谨分析的出现。例如,最近福布斯件注意到,“由美联社委托,由调查公司标准普尔Capital IQ执行2013报告发现,大学捐赠是拉到200家化石燃料公司由撤资运动目标的出本来可以避免巨大的损失。”在承认化石燃料的资产价值风险的重要门槛是2014年12月决定受英国央行“,同意审查,首次,该漏洞是化石燃料的资产可能对金融系统的碳约束稳定性设置对气候风险的所有中央银行和金融监管的新标准世界。”


A January 2015letterby many of Stanford’s faculty to the Stanford President and Board of trustees puts the issue this way: “If a university seeks to educate extraordinary youth so they may achieve the brightest possible future, what does it mean for that university simultaneously to invest in the destruction of that future?” A Swarthmore student leader, Stephen O’Hanlon,argues说:“因为这个地方运动起来,学校,全世界都在关注我们。这是不合理的斯沃斯莫尔......投资和合法化被冲倒的气候,中毒的社区,并危及很未来,我们的教育是为了准备我们的化石燃料的公司。”

超过24个学院已经委员会d to divestment, and this movement is growing far more rapidly than the S. Africa apartheid divestment movement, which it otherwise closely resembles. Over 1000 US cities have committed to carbon reduction targets, and many of these can be expected to shift to low or no carbon investments. There are now low carbon investing conferences, reflecting growing interest on the part of fund managers to service this rapidly growing new market.

Despite rhetoric to the contrary, the cost of shifting to a no or low carbon investment strategy can be low or zero. I served as an Advisor to Osmosis Investment Management, which launched the first low carbon exchange traded fund (ETF), listed on the London Stock Exchange in 2010. There is now a growing range of low carbon investment options that impose no or very small additional costs. This is typically done either by adding a fossil free screen to an existing managed fund, or by tracking a fossil free index. Parametric Portfolio Associates, a $135 billion asset manager, offers the option of adding a low carbon screen to any of its investment strategies. Adding this fossil free screen - developed by a firm called Fossil Free Indexes - adds only 0.05% (one twentieth of one percent) to the existing fund fee, for a total annual cost of 0.4%. Fossil Free Indexes also offers a fossil free index based on the S&P 500 that excludes the 26 firms with fossil fuel reserves, and also has a 0.4% annual fee. These are relatively low fee options and are probably lower cost than most funds that higher education institutions currently invest in. And increasingly, higher education institutions are investing in solar PV, energy efficiency and other clean energy projects on their own campuses, typically achieving long term financial returns superior to endowment investments made through third party fund managers - while enhancing university operations and providing valuable practical learning opportunities for students.

撤资是更有可能提高受什么伤,风险调整后的财务回报,以及早期撤资是一个聪明的品牌保护选择。撤资也是道德上负责任的选择,因为气候变化的成本已经成为巨大的,尤其会伤害不如从前。迅速增长的撤资运动,其道义上和逻辑上成立的要求体现了责任的品质,伟大的学术机构欢迎和学生的支持。在这个问题上 - 他们这一代和未来的许多世代的决定性问题来 - 学生显然是正确的。

格雷戈里^ h卡茨是总统大写字母E, which invests in cleantech firms and works with companies and public institutions to transition to a sustainable economy. He was formerly Managing Director at the multi-billion dollar clean energy investment fund Good Energies, and served as the Director of Financing for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at the US Department of Energy. He holds an MBA from Stanford University, and is author of Greening our Built World: Costs, Benefits and Strategies.

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